Saturday, April 10, 2010

Artist - Amber Conger

Amber Conger is a local artist who works primarily in sculpture. She grew up in Challis, Idaho and now resides in Boise.

Amber has no formal training in art or design, but has been exploring different mediums since early childhood… designing & creating from pure imagination. Over the years she has worked with watercolor, oils, pastels, decorative painting & interior design and has developed her talent into a uniquely refined view of materials, art and design. After experimenting with so many different mediums, she chose to work with steel as her primary. Amber’s unique designs combine industrial elements with unexpected materials creating interesting combinations that will often have people question their view of fine art.

Conger uses salvaged metals for all her work, adding to the label of “found art”. Her belief in sustainability & recycling fuels the passion behind the work, giving each piece a history & story to tell. Although her work is visually striking in the images below, scale plays a substantial role in the impact of her work… they really have to been seen in person to be appreciated. Many pieces have moving parts & unique mechanical components. They are made to be touched and explored.

“Working with steel is both challenging & rewarding; I love the process of taking an object that was meant to perform a specific task and changing it into something unique & beautiful. I learn, grow and get really dirty every day in the studio and I know that I’m doing what I was born to do…” –Amber Conger

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